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Study Named Oregon As State With Some of the Worst Drivers

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Many residents recognized their poor driving behaviors.
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Recently, USA Today published a Forbes Advisor survey that ranked the states by the quality of drivers living in them. They analyzed nineteen different statistics to determine their ranking and from their analysis, the found Oregon to be the second worst driving state. The main reasons behind Oregon coming in so high on the worst driving state ranking were the number of red lights run, the amount of refusals to yield, and how often they have reports of speeding through school zones. Additionally, they tied with three other states for the amount of drivers who have caused an accident. They tied with Alabama, Massachusetts, and New Jersey on that matter.

So, who beat out Oregon as the Number 1 Worst Driver State?

The beautiful Aloha State, Hawaii itself, came out on the top of the worst drivers list. They may be known for gorgeous sights, but among those beautiful landscapes are apparently pretty bad drivers. Hawaii found its place on top of this ranking for their amount of red light running, turning without the use of turn signals, changing lanes, and going 20+ miles per hour above the posted speed limit. Oppositely, coming in as the best driving states were Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

Something that was particularly interesting was that Forbes found road rage to be an issue pretty much nationwide.

Even though it is a nationwide issue, Oregon did stand out as one of the rudest states when it comes to their driving habits. Analysts found them to be quite distracted as well, as reports of texting while driving, eating while driving, and putting on make-up while driving were quite high. According to Forbes, Oregon residents would also describe a few other road issues. The main problems reported by Oregonians are “slowpokes in the fast lane,” flipping each other off, and aggressively honking with no just cause. Some stated that it is a common occurrence for drivers in the left lanes going at about 50 miles per hour often flip people off if they are honked at, showing strong signs of impatience from both sides.

Oregon residents also added that any sort of merging, even when not cutting another driver off, earns you a honk or a middle finger often as well. In general, drivers in Oregon described their roadways as “a warzone.”

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