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Keep Your DAC Report Clean

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It is essential for truckers to keep their DAC report intact. But what exactly is it? Simply put, the DAC, also known as the Drive-a-Check report is basically a thorough record pertaining to a truck driver’s history. Not only does it contain personal information, but a detailed look into the driver’s track record since being licensed with a CDL as well.

Importantly, your DAC report is indispensable to your job. Therefore, it is important to keep it clean. Here are a few ways to do so:

Protect your DAC

First and foremost, you should always know what’s on your record. This way you can deal with anything negative that comes up right away.  

Don’t wait to file a dispute

Furthermore, if negative information does appear on your DAC report then you should take the necessary steps to remove it immediately. The longer you wait, the harder it is to remove incorrect data from your record. In addition, a carrier has 30 days to verify the claim from your record or delete it upon request.

Be mindful of your actions

Moreover, you should never give an employer a reason to file a negative complaint. If you’re ready to quit the company you’re working for, do it on good terms. Professionalism goes a long way. Give at least two weeks’ notice and prepare a letter of resignation.

Keep a clean driving record

Without a doubt one of the most important rules for truckers. Careless accidents and moving violations carry fines that can appear on your DAC report. Most carriers don’t like to hire drivers with violations as it reflects poor driving habits. Another reason is that insurers will either charge more or refuse to insure the driver because of this. Therefore, ruining the chances of being hired altogether. So, be mindful!

Keep copies

Moreover, it is important to keep copies of all documents pertaining to your CDL. Anything from your annual DAC reports, resignation letters, drug tests, company letters, and beyond.

Don’t abandon a load

Last, but not least, don’t ever leave a load unattended to. The equipment, load, documents, keys, etc. should be dropped off in the proper place, if possible, with a witness. If another drop off location is requested, then you should get the request in writing, and have someone meet you there. Don’t forget to keep a copy of the letter too!

What are some more ways to keep your DAC report clean? Comment below.

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